Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
The Salvation Army Partners with Local Sheriff’s Department to Break Red Kettle Record
The Salvation Army of the Midlands partnered with the Richland County Sheriff’s Department to break a local record in the 2021 Red Kettle Campaign.
This first-time partnership raised over $1,400 in one day at a single store location, greatly helping to further the local work of The Salvation Army in the Columbia, S.C. area.
Since 1906, community partners in the Midlands have helped to raise awareness and funds for The Salvation Army through the Red Kettle program.
“Each volunteer that comes out to ring the bell for The Salvation Army’s Red Kettle Campaign not only contributes to its success, but the gift of their volunteer time is invaluable,” said Major Mark Craddock, area commander for The Salvation Army of the Midlands.
Thanks to the partnership with the local Sheriff’s department, this level of support from the community helped raise an overall kettle count of over $240,00 this past Christmas season. These funds will help The Salvation Army to continue their mission in helping individuals and families in need all year long.