Thursday Dec 21, 2023
The Salvation Army Cathedral City Corps beautified by 400 Home Depot Foundation volunteers
On October 24th, 410 volunteers from The Home Depot Foundation disembarked from transport buses- ready to get to work.
The mission? To beautify local Salvation Army facilities along with the nearby Veterans Village housing community—locations that were chosen for The Home Depot Foundation renovation and upgrade and as co-recipients of a $200,000 beautification grant.
Volunteers with The Home Depot Foundation actively participate in community events and projects as part of their continued partnership with 365 Connect, a nonprofit that aims to connect corporations and donors with other nonprofit organizations to bring community change.
Home Depot Foundation volunteer Harold Weber—said he’s eager to lend a helping hand whenever given the opportunity.
“You never know whose life you may touch by doing something good,” he said. “What may take a few hours of my time is worth the timeless impact a renovation can bring.”
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