Thursday Aug 12, 2021
The Big Collection
The Salvation Army in the UK and Republic of Ireland’s Big Collection is a fundraising challenge for members, friends, and volunteers of Salvation Army churches to raise money for local community programs.
Local collectors take on this challenge in many ways – from bike rides, bake sales, to fun runs and charity fashion shows.
In previous years corps officers and church members would collect door-to-door or hold street collections for the ‘Big Collection’ with all funds going towards The Salvation Army’s support services. This year, due to the pandemic, corps are thinking more imaginatively about how they might be able to raise funds through sponsorship or special events.
All donations to the Big Collection directly support The Salvation Army’s work to care for people who are vulnerable or in need. This includes supporting people experiencing homelessness, running care homes for older people, and providing a place of safety for adult victims of modern slavery.
To find out more about The Salvation Army go to