Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Soup-Off Fundraiser
The Salvation Army of Lake and Sumter Counties is building a unique and effective relationship with residents of The Villages, “a collection of quaint retirement neighborhoods” in Central Florida where over 100,000 now reside.
“Friends of The Salvation Army” is one of some 3,000 interest groups within The Villages and has been continually growing in membership.
The group recently staged its first “Soup Off”, a major fund-raiser to assist distribution of The Salvation Army’s many food programs based out of Leesburg, Florida throughout the year.
Donations of soup from nine local restaurants, desserts, bread, Silent Auction items, pottery bowls, and much more greatly enhanced the popularity of the event with every ticket sold!
Guests chose samples from the nine soups, then cast their votes for the best ‘tasting soup’ with the winning restaurant receiving a “Golden Ladle” Award. With the success of this first fundraiser, Soup Off is likely to become an annual event.