Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Salvation Army Prepares for SNAP Benefit Changes
Indiana’s COVID-19 public health emergency ended on March 3rd, 2022, making May 31st the final day that SNAP recipients would receive the maximum benefit allowed in accordance to the number of people in their household.
The Salvation Army has already seen an increase in visits to its food pantries and hot food programs over the past several months as inflation has made it harder for families to put food on the table. These higher prices mean that struggling households are bringing home less food each time they go to the store, pushing them to find supplemental food at organizations like The Salvation Army.
With inflation outpacing wage increases, the results have been devastating. The Salvation Army is working with partner organizations, food banks, donors, and community volunteers to meet the increased demand.
In addition to providing food in many of the communities where The Salvation Army serves, the organization is also helping struggling households with financial assistance to help with rent and mortgages, high utility bills, prescription costs, and gas cards to get to work and medical care.
If you or a loved one is in need, find your local Salvation Army by visiting https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/