Tuesday May 11, 2021
Hope In india
The Salvation Army across India is responding as daily recorded cases of COVID-19 reach unprecedented levels.
The international movement operates a number of hospitals and clinics across the subcontinent. Salvation Army hospitals in several areas are now admitting large numbers of patients with COVID symptoms, as demand in the national system exceeds capacity.
From a national perspective, India’s National Executive Officer, says: ‘At present, what we can do is bring hope as a reality to the people who are losing hope.’
The international leader of The Salvation Army, General Brian Peddle, has written to Salvationists in India stating, “Your country and its people have captured the attention of the world due to the present surge of COVID and its impact upon families, neighbors and communities.”
The General also encouraged Salvationists by quoting Joshua 1- reminding them to be strong and courageous and reiterated the importance of cooperating with government public health instruction and following sound hygiene practices.
To read the full story, visit www.sar.my/news