Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Christmas In July Toy Drive a Success
The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary’s Christmas in July toy drive and fundraiser was a resounding success, with more than 75 guests bearing gifts of toys and clothing. The happy hour event, held in July at the Dolphin Bar & Shrimp House in Jensen Beach, netted more than $2500 and brought in over 250 new toys and clothes for the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Christmas Assistance Program.
The Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program provides new toys and clothes to up to 1600 children in low-income households in the central Florida area every year.
In November, The Salvation Army posts Angel Trees at malls and various businesses, encouraging the community to “adopt” the children and purchase toys and clothing for them. The donations from this event will help fill the wishes for the few who aren’t adopted.
Registration for the Angel Tree program opens in October. For more information about the Angel Tree program and other services provided by the Salvation Army, visit https://saangeltree.org/