Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Backpack Food Program
Every week, The Salvation Army in Red Deer, Alberta Canada, has helped vulnerable families with food support through the Backpack Meal Program, where individual bags filled with meals and snacks are delivered to participating schools, and distributed to children enrolled in the program.
The Backpack Meal Program has been in place since 2014. As of the first week of February 2023, it serves 247 students from pre-k to 12th grade in the 25 participating schools in Red Deer.
Every week Salvation Army staff and volunteers prepare each bag and on Friday, these bags are given to the students to take home for the weekend.
According to Community Ministries Worker, Anita Fraser, since the program runs solely on donations, liaisons keep track of how each family is doing, and how their financial situation is progressing. This way it ensures the families that are in most need get the support they need.